8th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences
Published on October 29, 2014
(ICASS VIII) Thème : Northern sustainabilitiesSession : Education in the Arctic: Sustaining our Communities22-26 Mai 2014 à Prince-Georges, B. C. |
Implementation of a Supportive Approach by Videoconferencing for the Inuit Teacher training: project presentation.Since 2010 a project of implementation of a new technology to support teacher training has been experienced in Nunavik. It is a partnership project granted by the SSHRC which implied collaborators from a University, a School board, 2 communities and a leading internet service provider. The approach is based on a hybrid model of alternation between presence and distance meeting. The developmental research methodology has been chosen to serve the reinforcement of the Inuit culture and identity. The project aims to: (a) integrate distance session in this intercultural and trilingual teacher training context, (b) assess its feasibility and its relevance, and (c) test a technology enabling a structure of ad hoc meetings between professors and students. The relevance of the development of this tool has been already demonstrated and the use of the technology is now taking varied formulas. As the principal researcher, the author will describe how the project evolved, she will release results of the data analysis and will draw a portrait of the current different alternatives that Inuit students and teachers are considering. Autor: Glorya Pellerin, UQAT |
The use of videoconference in the context of Inuit teacher training programs comanagement: advantages and challenges
The two Nunavik communities of Puvirnituq and Ivujivik, along with the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT), have been engaged in a durable partnership related to the training of Inuit teachers throughout the last three decades. Based on a will to get support for their project of development of their community schools, Inuit school leaders initially approached UQAT with a clear request: putting into place a comanagement group, composed of Inuit and University partners, in order to make decisions about Inuit teacher training. A bilingual and intercultural comanagement group was subsequently created to conduct monthly meetings by teleconference on diverse topics related to the programs management. A year ago, the idea came up to try and proceed to our meeting by videoconference, and since then, the videoconference became a very important tool to the group.
Our presentation aims to (1) describe our comanagement dynamics completed by videoconference and (2) subsequently outline advantages and challenges faced by participants.
Authors: Elisapi Uitangak and Lucy Qalingo, Puvirnituq, and Yvonne da Silveira, UQAT
An ongoing experimentation of preschool pupils' networking in a Nordic context: planning, implementing and coming back to the experienceThis paper describes an ongoing networking experimentation of Puvirnituq and Ivujivik kindergarten classes. The mains objectives of our design are (1) to give pupils the opportunity to break isolation, i.e. to come into contact with kids from elsewhere and to learn from each other (2) to allow the teachers to work in partnership, to share knowledge and improve their practice with colleague from other schools. The paper describes the meetings preparation phase which implied teachers and researchers. It presents how the networks activities went between children. It discusses the preliminary findings learned from the experience. What was successful? What are the challenges? This pupils networking is seen as an essential step in the Inuit professional and cultural development in remote Nordic communities context like it is in Nunavik. For the authors, the creation of such links between schools is fundamental from a sustainable educational development point of view. Authors: Passa Mangiuk and Siaja Mangiuk, Ivujivik, Véronique Paul, UQAT and Stéphane Allaire, UQAC |
The Challenge that Isolation Poses to Primary Teachers in Nunavik: A Situation to be Acknowledged and Improved
Abstract: In Nunavik, the primary schools are located in 14 communities spread out on the wide territory of northern Quebec, Canada. The communities are not linked one to the others by roads as the situation in the South of the country. Consequently, teachers who work in this particular practice context, must cope with isolation. Moreover, we can easily assume that isolation is more intense for teachers who work in small communities than those who work in a community counting with a population of about one thousand inhabitants or more. The lack of educational teaching and learning resources, both human and material, is an important obstacle for their professional development process. Consequently, it is affecting the relevance and richness of the learning activities that teachers plan and do with their pupils. Considering that collaboration work among teachers is important for developing an effective and efficient teaching practice, and knowing about the extreme high travel expenses related to the specific geographical context, innovative ways for the teachers that allow them to be in communication need to be examined. In the perspective of improving the general schooling process and educational achievement of Inuit youth, the authors will highlight what are the possible networking projects to develop.
Authors: Gisèle Maheux and Glorya Pellerin, UQAT, Siaja Mangiuk, Ivujivik, and Eliana Manrique, KSB